Don't delay. Don't defer. Don't overthink. Jump in. All in. As if you only have one life. You do. Have no regrets. Don't delay. Don't defer. Don't overthink. Jump in. All in. As if you only have one life. You do. Have no regrets. Don't delay. Don't defer. Don't overthink. Jump in. All in. As if you only have one life. You do. Have no regrets. Don't delay. Don't defer. Don't overthink. Jump in. All in. As if you only have one life. You do. Have no regrets. Don't delay. Don't defer. Don't overthink. Jump in. All in. As if you only have one life. You do. Have no regrets. Don't delay. Don't defer. Don't overthink. Jump in. All in. As if you only have one life. You do. Have no regrets. Don't delay. Don't defer. Don't overthink. Jump in. All in. As if you only have one life. You do. Have no regrets. Don't delay. Don't defer. Don't overthink. Jump in. All in. As if you only have one life. You do. Have no regrets.